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Funeral Directors recommend me, as they trust and know me well, but it can work both ways. If you prefer, I can help you with the planning from the start and introduce you to my preferred Funeral Directors. It's an important decision.


Planning for the future can be a delicate subject, but it’s one that many find great comfort in addressing. That’s why I keep a special file titled “Future Funerals”. It contains meticulous notes from individuals who have reached out to share their wishes for their own ceremonies. 

Some contacted me after attending a funeral I conducted. Sometimes they want to be sure that their own preferences are recognised. Others simply want to ensure that their families are not having to make difficult decisions. 

Can you help me plan my funeral ?

"I know there will be a very long waiting list but I am likely to apply for membership to the Patricia Bentley Appreciation Society. You whole demeanour and approach is so ideally suited to your chosen profession. We are most unlikely to meet - but I'm confident that had we chatted face to face for say ten minutes I would be able to confirm my "immediate reaction" about you. Firstly that, although you are open, caring, engaging, reassuring etc to a level where "strangers" decide that they know (and equally importantly, that they can and should trust) you, there is a huge part of Patricia that is very private (to a degree perhaps that nobody, or certainly very few people, have "touched" upon it). Secondly you choose your words and tone so correctly and carefully - yet I'm convinced (because of your well-honed listening skills) that what you don't say is often as (or maybe even more) important than the words you utter.  I had a lovely phone call from Kevin yesterday evening. I expected - at best- to hear relief that he, Jan etc had survived the ordeal. Instead I heard "excitement" - generated solely by your creation of a perfect (Kev's word) service. It seems that every attendee had felt the "right blend" of tears, laughter and overall comfort. What a testament to your skills!  Best wishes and with my grateful thanks. J."

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